We had an amazing time last week at MAGIC Live in Las Vegas! While showing in the dealers room we premiered several great effects to the magic community.
Without a doubt, L.I.F.T. by Jack Reimon set the convention abuzz. L.I.F.T. an acronym for Live Impromptu Floating Table, is a table levitation that can be done with any table at any time. Pictured above is Tannen's demonstrator, Jared Molten, demonstrating L.I.F.T. for the legendary Johnny Thompson!
Along with the Great Tomsoni we sat down and showed L.I.F.T. to Jeff McBride, Chris Kenner, Michael Weber, Barrie Richardson, Mathieu Bich, Garrett Thomas, Martin Lewis and even Losander bought a copy of the book!
The PLF Mentalism effects were also a HUGE convention hit! Magicians from all over the world couldn't wait to see the ParaPad, Depicting Thoughts Set and PLF Marked ESP Collection demonstrated.
All in all the convention was an absolute blast, we're looking forward to showing again at the next one!